Product Designer

Adobe Document Cloud


Adobe Document Cloud

During the summer of 2015, I had the pleasure of working with the Adobe Document Cloud Experience Design Team. I worked on adding a collaborative space within the Commenting tool in Acrobat.


The PRoblem

Users do not have have a collaborative space to comment on PDF documents similar to Google Drive and Dropbox - we sought to change that with a new experience facilitating collaboration.



Solution & Requirements

Create a new app experience that allows users to create and share collaborative PDF documents. Introduce a new set of features within the existing Commenting tool that increases the ability for users to collaborate - such as live chat and task creation. Have a Dashboard to keep track of all shared/collaborated documents. Make it mobile friendly.




Working closely with user researchers and Product managers, we decided to focus our research on one Persona: men and women in Marketing. 

Pain points & focus areas:

  • Users need to send a PDF document out to many people

  • Version control of the document

  • Way to connect with coworkers reviewing the same document.

  • Task assignment for specific sections of a document

  • Final approval

Shared List 1.png


Information architecture



Sketches & WIreframes



Final Designs



Take away

While at Adobe, I had the pleasure to work with many different industry professionals ranging from researchers, product managers and other designers. I was able to combine their real-world working knowledge with my own experiences, to create an engaging design for the problem I was given.

Throughout my time on the team, I learned a lot about working on a complex product with previously designed content. I had to keep existing constraints in mind while continuing to design new functionality in a way that met customer and our personas needs.